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Monday, July 4, 2011

Jaringan Mohd Aidil Zafuan antara terbaik didunia minggu ini.. dan komen-komen yang tak boleh bla..

Sepakan percuma yang dilakukan oleh Mohd Aidil Zafuan pada perlawanan kelayakan piala dunia menentang taiwan ahad lepas diiktiraf sebagai yang terbaik didunia untuk minggu ini.. tahniah!! pemilihan yang dijalankan berdasarkan undian yang telah dilakukan di laman web 101greatgoals meletakan beliau pada kedudukan teratas antara jaringan terbaik seluruh dunia untuk minggu ini.

Kalau korang nak tengok lagi jaringan tu.. haa yang nie..:-

yang aku tak tahan komen-komen yang kat bawah nie lagi terbaik!! hahaha...

  1. aznor Says:
    wow what the great goal from Aidil!
  2. pakjoko Says:
  3. aden toffees Says:
    what a masterpiece…stunning free kick
  4. buzz Says:
    a rocket from aidil man.. :O
  5. micheal tomhawk Says:
    what the great goal, it’s very rare shooting from a distance like that.
  6. michael dawson Says:
    man utd pls buy aidil..
  7. Asri Says:
    That a great gol,GK cannot do anything,just look…hahaha
  8. alan shearer Says:
    a torpedo by aidil..remind me of laurent robert !! aummm!!
  9. john Says:
    watt a superfast balls from aidil zafuan..
  10. rain Says:
    aidil totally rocket!
  11. ConnickScouseHuyton87 Says:
    Who is this Aidil lad? Me never seen a freekick like that? Jesus! Toffee’s consider this lad please.
  12. jirah Says:
    awesome aidil. =)
  13. BerkeleyBernie Says:
    Zafuan- impressive hit, obviously, but no matter how perfect the execution, always a great deal of luck at that distance. Most of the time the ball will be a few feet high or low or wide. So, both literally and figuratively “a long shot.” If I shoot a basketball from one end of the court to the opposite basket enough times, sooner or later I’m going to get it in. Odds are that Michael Jordan would get it in sooner than I would.
    My vote to Darlington Nagbe’s superb display of control.
  14. Alex Ferguson Says:
    fantastic goal from Zafuan Aidil..
    i will send my scout to see him and watching their next games..
  15. ricky chen Says:
    luck may plays a part there but i’ll vote his goal 100% because it’s a rare thing to happen in football and i’m glad to have a chance watching it. great technique brilliant execution from such distance. saw alex (chelsea) did it but can’t match the distance of this goal. awesome stuff.
  16. et Says:
    aidil’s goal remind me to roberto carlos.. superb..
    ConnickScouseHuyton87: aidil zafuan is one of the best malaysian defender nowadays. Playing for negeri sembilan fa.
  17. Jose Maurinho Says:
    Aidil should play for Real Madrid…
  18. Kenny Daglish Says:
    Aidil impressed me.
  19. Pele Says:
  20. Christiano Ronaldo Says:
  21. Dato Jaluludin Hussun Says:
    come on come on
  22. kuroichi mashita Says:
    wow.. aidil really great.. malaysia football sure give us a hard time..
  23. Anarchy Says:
    what a thunderbolt….best goal of the year…
  24. andyeapzh Says:
    who want to kick like this, have to eat [sambal belacan] :D
  25. Roberto Carlos Says:
    Amazing goal from Aidil, shooting same like me…
  26. Zaquan Adha Says:
    thanks SAF, Mourinho, Dalglish. But honestly, my brother not interested at all with all the offers. sorry. But you can pass it to me, if you guys don’t mind.
  27. Bambang Pamungkas Says:
    Waduh Aidil, gue enggak sangka lo prektisin ilmu yang gue ajarin lo dulu. nah sekarang lo udah bisa menyetak gol seperti gue. cuma, gue mampu hasilkan lagi jauh sih jaraknya. kamu masih perlu belajarin lagi. ya ya..
  28. abu Says:
    nice class goal from malaysian defenders..aidil zafuan..
  29. abdullah zaik Says:
    nice goal from aidil zafuan..good luck in the next match:)
  30. Dafi Says:
    Baik Punyer, love aidil
  31. Azimo Says:
    What an amazing goal from Aidil.
  32. Jack Sparrow Says:
    This Best gile
  33. Andre Villas Boas Says:
    Wow what an amazing goal, hey Alex Ferguson and Kenny Daglish,both of you dont touch him,I’m going to sign him 1st!
  34. Arsene Wenger Says:
    Ha ha, Alex,Andre,Kenny Im sorry to say that I’ll have the last laugh. Aren’t you forgetting something? I’ll be the earliest to arrive Kuala Lumpur! So Aidil,come to papa, you are perfect replacement for that bloody Fab
  35. BOBOY Says:
    ooooo terperanjat boboy
  36. Jai Says:
    X sesia aku ajar ko cara nak seengat. baru diorg tau erti penyesalan
  37. manje suarez gomeh Says:
    aidil very the best free kick.. shot on goal
  38. Nabil Says:
    Terbaikkk… This is best brooo….
  39. bellamy Says:
    that one a hell of a goal by Aidil of Malaysian. out of this world by far
  40. Roman Says:
    i would like to sign aidil for 50miliion.
  41. Karathu Says:
    Saya mau amik ini worang main sama kelate…gedebe mu.
  42. Jaafar Onn Says:
    kelas kau maria

     hahaha nie betul-betul Maharajalawak!!!


Encik JI said...

mmg cun goal tu. hehe. tp lbih kpda nsib je

C.e.n.g.k.i.h said...

haha..aku pn dh terjoin komen2 xboleh blah nie..
power owh gol tue..

kenshiro said...

hehe cun dan nasib.. janji boleh sumbat gol.. ok la tu hehee...

kenshiro said...

hahaha pale pun komen taw hahaha...